Who Are We?

When we mention "we," "us," and "our," we are referring to Unify Finance ABN 49 605744796, alongwith our subsidiaries and related businesses.

Our Commitment to Safeguarding Your Privacy

We understand the utmost importance of protecting your personal information. This document outlinesour commitment to safeguarding the personal information we hold about you and how we utilize thatinformation. We ensure that any personal data collected will be used solely for the purposes for which itwas collected or as permitted by law. Our primary goal is to assure you that your personal information istreated with utmost care and protection. Our commitment aligns with the Australian Privacy Principlesfor the safeguarding of personal information, as stated in the Privacy Act and other relevant laws.

Personal Information

When we refer to personal information, we mean data that reasonably identifies you. This may includeinformation or opinions about you. The personal information we may collect includes your name, date ofbirth, address, email address, phone number, account details, occupation, and any other informationnecessary to identify you. If you are applying for finance, we may also collect information such as theages and number of your dependents and cohabitants, the duration of your current address, youremployment details, and proof of earnings and expenses.

We may also collect credit information, which includes details used to assess your eligibility for finance.This credit information may encompass any outstanding finance you have, your repayment history forthose loans, and any defaults. Typically, credit information is exchanged among credit and financeproviders and credit reporting bodies.

if you wish to make purchases through us, we will also collect your payment information. Similarly, if weneed to make payments to you, we will collect this information. In case you apply for employment withus, we will gather information about your work history and contact your referees. Additionally, if you areseeking to become a Funding Assist Member to arrange finance contracts, we will collect information toassess whether you meet the accepted standards for finance brokers.

Why We Collect Your Personal Information

We collect personal information to assess your finance application and manage your finances effectively.Additionally, we may use your personal information for direct marketing and to maintain a positiverelationship with you. Periodically, we may offer you other products and services.

If you apply to become a finance broker with us or apply for employment, we collect information to helpus make appropriate decisions. We may also disclose your personal information to other organizationsthat provide products or services used or marketed by us. Such organizations may include othermortgage intermediaries, insurance partners, lenders, valuers, lenders mortgage insurers, surveyors,accountants, credit reporting bodies, recoveries firms, debt collectors, and lawyers, as well as any otherentities interested in your finance or our business.

How We Collect Your Personal Information

Whenever feasible and reasonable, we collect your personal information directly from you. However, wemay also obtain personal information from credit reporting bodies, finance brokers, accountants,lawyers, referees, and other relevant sources.

Do We Disclose Your Personal Information?

We may disclose your personal information to various parties, including prospective funders orintermediaries related to your finance requirements, other organizations involved in managing oradministering your finance (e.g., third-party suppliers, printing and postal services, call centers, lendersmortgage insurers, trade insurers, and credit reporting bodies), associated businesses interested inmarketing products to you, companies providing information and infrastructure systems to us,representatives acting on your behalf (e.g., finance brokers, lawyers, and accountants), entities for whichyou have provided consent, entities required by law (e.g., under the Anti-Money Laundering andCounter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 (Cth) or under a subpoena or court summons), investors, agents,advisers, or entities with an interest in our business, and your employer, referees, or identity verificationservices.

Before disclosing your personal information to others, we take reasonable steps to ensure that therecipient is committed to protecting your personal information or that you have given your consent.Some of your personal information may be stored in cloud storage or IT servers located outside Australia.

We may also disclose your personal information to overseas entities providing support functions to us.To learn more about these entities, please contact us.

Credit Information

may collect and exchange various types of credit information with credit reporting bodies and otherentities. This includes credit liability information, repayment history information, information about thetype of finance you are applying for, default and payment information, and court proceedingsinformation. We use this credit information to assess your finance application and manage your finance.The credit information may be stored electronically on our secure servers or in paper form. We may alsouse cloud storage for the credit information.

You have the right to request access to your credit information and ask for corrections if needed. You canalso request credit reporting bodies not to use your credit information for pre-screening credit offers. Ifyou believe you may have been a victim of fraud, you can contact the credit reporting body to addressthis.

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Direct Marketing

From time to time, we may use your personal information to provide you with up-to-date information onfinance offers, changes in our organization, or new products or services that may interest you. If you donot wish to receive such marketing information, you can opt-out at any time by emailing us If the marketing is done via email, you may use the unsubscribe function. Wewill not charge you for opting out and will process your request promptly.

Updating Your Personal Information

We strive to maintain accurate and up-to-date personal information about you. If your personalinformation changes, please inform us so that we can update our records accordingly. You may contactus to make any necessary changes.

Access and Correction to Your Personal and Credit Information

You have the right to access the personal and credit information we hold about you. If you wish to do so,you may contact us. We may charge a fee to cover our costs in providing this information. We aim torespond to your request within 30 days and may need to consult with other entities to properlyinvestigate your request.

There may be instances where we are not obligated to provide access to your personal information, suchas when the information is related to ongoing or anticipated legal proceedings or if your request isvexatious. In such cases, we will provide an explanation for the denial.

If any of the personal information we hold about you is incorrect, inaccurate, or outdated, you mayrequest us to correct it. We will aim to provide you with information about the correction within 30 daysof receiving your request and may consult other entities during the investigation.

Using Government Identifiers

We do not use or disclose government identifiers (e.g., tax file numbers) except as required by law. Wewill never use a government identifier to identify you.

Business Without Identifying You

In some instances, where lawful and practicable, we may allow you to conduct business with us withoutproviding personal information. For example, you may inquire about interest rates or promotional offerswithout the need for personal information.

Sensitive Information

We only collect sensitive information with your consent. Sensitive information includes data related toyour racial or ethnic origin, political beliefs, trade or professional memberships, sexual preferences,criminal record, or health.

Security of Your Personal Information

We take reasonable steps to secure your personal information by storing it in a secure environment,both electronically and in paper form. We also strive to protect your personal information from misuse,loss, unauthorized access, modification, or disclosure.

Unify Finance Complaints Policy

If you find yourself displeased with how we have handled your personal data or if you have an objectionregarding our adherence to the Privacy Act, kindly reach out to our designated complaints officer viaemail at . Your complaint will be acknowledged within seven days. We strive to reach a resolution onyour complaint within 30 days. Regardless of whether we are a licensee, representative, or credit representative, our reputation is established on matching the most suitable product(s) to eachindividual's needs. We make every effort to ensure contentment with our services and offerings.Nonetheless, there may be instances occasionally when applicants feel dissatisfied with the outcomes ofour consultation process. In case you have a complaint about the service we provide, the following stepsor avenues for resolution are at your disposal.

Step 1

Most complaints result from miscommunication and can usually be swiftly rectified. Therefore, pleaseinitiate contact with Your Individual Broker first and voice your concerns.

Step 2

If the matter is not satisfactorily resolved within 5 working days through discussions with your Broker, wewill follow our internal complaints process to address your complaint appropriately. In this situation, thecomplaint will be internally escalated to our Complaints Officer. You may also contact the ComplaintsOfficer directly.

Complaint Officer

NameComplaint Manager
Address 2 Fluture Court, Tarneit, VIC 302

Note: In certain situations, your broker might also serve as the Complaints Officer. This will not hinderthe resolution of your complaint in an appropriate manner.

By employing our internal complaints process, we hope to facilitate the prompt and fair resolution ofyour complaint. Although the maximum timeframe for providing a written response is 45 days, we striveto resolve these issues much sooner, in line with best practices and our organization's reputation.

Step 3

Even though we make every effort to resolve a customer's concern in the most considerate and directway, if you remain dissatisfied after going through the above steps, there are other avenues available fordispute resolution. This is then handled externally and independently.

This external dispute resolution (EDR) process is accessible to you at no cost. All Credit representativesand their authorizing Licensee are required to be independent members of an ASIC approved EDRscheme. If a Credit Representative's EDR is displayed, kindly contact that EDR scheme initially forescalating your complaint.

Address Australian Financial Complaints Authority, GPO Box3, Melbourne VIC 3001

Additional Information

For further details on how we manage your personal or credit information, please contact us

Modifications to Our Privacy and Complaints Policy

We constantly review all our policies and strive to stay up-to-date with market expectations. Technologyand laws are continually changing, impacting marketplace practices.

As a result, we may update this privacy policy occasionally or as the need arises.

You may request this Privacy and Complaints Policy in an alternative format.